The worship ministry at Central is an important part of the culture in our church. The worship ministry gives our church an opportunity to worship the Lord through musical praise and adoration and to lead others in this experience as well. As our church strives to be multi-generational, you will see this reflected in our musical worship. Various choirs and worship teams consisting of all ages provide music during worship services. We acknowledge the value in both the old hymns as well as the songs that are being created today. Our goal is to lead the Church in passionate, God-honoring, and Christ-centered worship through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 


As part of our multi-generational focus, we have ways for all ages to serve our church through music. Our Choir and Worship Team are both open to Students through Senior Adults. For our kids, we offer a seasonal Children’s Choir that serves our church at different events throughout the year.


In the worship ministry, you can be involved in not only leading worship, but also improving your own skills while educating the church and community through music. If you are interested in being involved with our Worship Ministry, we would love to connect with you!


Our Choir is open to Students through Senior Adults. We serve an important part in leading our church in worship. The Choir serves by assisting vocally in congregational worship on a regular basis and often leading the church through specially prepared music.


If you are interested in joining the Choir, we meet on Wednesday nights in the Choir Room at 7:00 PM. We would love to see you there!


Our Worship Team serves our church through leading worship in our Sunday Morning services. This group is open to Students through Senior Adults and is always looking for talented believers who desire to use their gifts to serve The Lord and our church. If you are interested in auditioning for the Worship Team, fill out the Interest form below!


Our tech team is one of the most crucial elements of the Sunday Morning worship service. They do all of the really cool, behind-the-scenes tech work during the service. They operate everything from Lights, Sound, and Projection to Cameras and Livestreams. Without this team, the services would look incredibly different. Because of the nature of the tech team and all of the different jobs there are to do, we are ALWAYS looking for volunteers. No experience? No problem! We will be glad to train you! If you would like to volunteer, click the button below and hit the “join” button!